"I’m so, so thankful for seeing some encouraging results with actual healing of tissue… A low tension glaucoma patient seeing documented recovery of some visual fields and also assistance with seeing lens clarity improving nicely and overall just general health improvement, so it’s been a great, great addition to my practice, having Dr. Glen and Rae being consultants and help patients… They are so appreciative of both of their expertise, but also kindness and concern, and just desire to help the patients out..."
- Todd Wylie, O.D., F.C.O.V.D.
Washington State
Want to see your patients achieve impossible healing results?
Today I would say that my chronic pain is reduced 90% from what it was before I started doing EVOX. And what I love about working with Glen is that he’s not just looking at one thing, or trying to fix one thing. He’s looking at your whole body… He’s looking at your physical body, but also your emotional body and your spiritual body, and trying to heal the whole thing. I would recommend the work that Glen does to anyone. I’ve had so much healing from the help they’ve given me, so I would recommend them to anyone…”
- Joy Dettling, Life Coach
North Carolina
Joy now incorporates the ZYTO EVOX process in her Life Coaching practice!
Energetically, things are being blessed and there is a deep level of care and compassion and love that is put into his treatment...
A revolutionary way of treating:
It’s working WITH the body…
It’s approximately 6 months that I’ve been on the treatment, and it’s just unbelievable, unbelievable, remarkable accelerated healing.
And it’s an amazing feeling to experience your body doing it’s own healing, and to experience a level of life energy in your body.
It’s very, very powerful. I feel very blessed and grateful to have stumbled upon this...”
- Greg Suterra
New Jersey
Learn More about
Accelerated Self Healing™
"I’ve been absolutely fascinated every single time I get the results because I would say 100% of the time every single thing that comes up in terms of priority areas I need to focus on are also areas that I’m personally working on...
I’ve noticed, and my therapist has noticed as well just how fast I’ve been able to make breakthroughs...
And one of the things that I noticed right off the bat when we first went into lockdown was I started getting migraines. And I never get migraines... So, the supplement Stress Release is one that I’ve added to my daily tool kit. I kid you not: Once I started taking it my migraines went away and they’ve never come back...
I’ve had a hard time falling asleep because I was working really late at night, and it’s just really hard to turn off my mind... to slow it down. So, I often found myself having really restless sleep. So, I started using Sleep Synergy, which is a supplement they have that really helps calm down and slow down the mind. And then along with their nightlight which has been amazing! I kid you not - I usually am tossing and turning in bed for an hour. When I started using the nightlight coupled with the Sleep Synergy, I am in bed and in a deep sleep within 10 minutes. I wake up very refreshed. Whether or not I have like 8 hours, it feels like 8 hours... it’s such a deep and restful sleep, I feel like just very restored and alert in the morning versus really groggy and slow."
- Alyssa Fukushima
"I had early Macular Degeneration. I’m thinking to myself, “I’m healthy... What the hell is Macular Degeneration?” So I started reading about it and I went through this absolute terror. I mean, when you read things in Google, there’s no help on the way at all...
I can’t believe it... It’s like I’ve got some degenerative disease, just like my father did? My father died of a degenerative disease. My mother was degenerative all the way. I did all these things to prevent all that...
I went on this path and I realized that you can heal it, but I was still really blocked, and frustrated, and confused. You know, I was doing all good things. I was doing all these good herbs, and acupuncture, and red light therapy, and all this stuff, and I went back to an eye doctor in January of this year, and he said that I still have it, and I was expecting the news that I didn’t have it. So I went deeper into it and a friend of mine introduced me to Glen and Rae...
From working with them, I have actually been a lot calmer, even when I have not a good day I’m still calm, and I feel OK. There’s like this sense of grounding....
Rae talks to you. She’s just soothing and really intuitive and has given me some of the best advice I’ve ever had when it comes to calming down and being able to heal...
Your belief system needs to be altered and changed. And what they do is they work on your belief system. They work on who you are...
You’re not your genetics. And you’re not somebody that’s destined for something...
I lived in Los Angeles for 23 years. I’ve worked with many healers. I’ve done many alternative medicines. And I can tell you, these two are probably the best people that I have ever been around, because they will not only care for you, but they will listen, and they will give you the things that you need to become whole again, and healthy..."
- David Wygant, Coach
(Eight months into his Accelerated Self Healing™ program, the eye doctor who referred him reports that David's Macular Degeneration is already starting to reverse, with a decrease in the drusen deposits in his retina! The longest we have seen to start reversing ARM is 3 years in a case with a lot of systemic damage to heal as well. The textbooks still say it is irreversible and that there is no treatment for early stages. We are seeing improvement at all stages, even in the more advanced wet form, with clients getting off of monthly injections that can cost over $1,000 and result in even worse vision in 40% of cases... Visit our site MaculaRegeneration.com to learn more)
"This video is for anybody who is considering working with Glen & Rae at Healing Oasis over in Hilo, Hawaii. They are really good at what they do. And that’s what I’m here to tell you about. Not only do they have really high quality supplements... They have bioavailability factors so that you’re getting the most out of the supplements when you take them... They’re also high quality people, and they do high quality work. In my own experience of working with them, each time they prescribe me my monthly remedies, oftentimes without me telling them about it, they prescribe something that sometimes the supplements have affirmations that go along with them and oftentimes the affirmations and supplements coincide directly with my own process that I’m going through in my life. And it’s really astounding how accurate they are in what they do...
I have had many times curative reactions to taking the supplements, so I feel a tingling sensation maybe on my head, and it will move down through my body and out my feet. Sometimes my joints will turn red for like 5 minutes or something and as things move downwards and out my feet. And when that happens, it’s not painful or anything, but that’s a curative reaction. It’s not something that is symptom palliation. It’s a real healing happening. It’s something being cured at the root of where it comes from. And it’s moving out the bottom of your feet because it’s being released, and you don’t get that when you just take regular supplements. These are really high quality. And not only that, but they’re targeted in just the right spot for you and what you’re going through. So, that being said, I recommend working with Glen & Rae..."
- Wes
“He's truthful and kind, an old soul, but will forever look young to the rest of us. One of the most relevant moments in my friendship with the doctor is when he told me he appreciates me. A strange thing to say I thought to myself, but truly I appreciate him as well, with each passing day all the more. His hugs are like medicine and an open mind in his presence will suit you well, he'll fill you with a wealth of information and teachings to help you find your way.”
- Sass
“Dr. Glen has a special medicine. From the first moment I met him, there was a special light and a sweetness came from the center of him that could only feel like one thing: love. May we all recognize this light we feel so clearly, and reciprocate it ten thousand fold. Thank you for that simple amazingness -- it glows!”
- Hope
OOOoooooh The Doctor is IN!!! Very much so! “Glen hs been a great Doctor and an excellent friend to boot! I have had personal experience with his form or energetic medicine and found a truth from the realities of healng!! What a treat that Glen lives so close, but for those of you who are far away ....lucky you that his type of healing knows no bounds.” Go Dr, glen!!!!!
- Sky
“All are worthy to be healed. Be open minded to his abilities to help others. Be blessed by his knowledge.”
-Susan Phillips
"There is no question in my mind that the profound cessation of 'negative' symptoms I had been experiencing was due to your healing....
It was quite amazing to see how after a few years of searching for some answers, I obtained such immediate results from you,"
-Dixie in Colorado
"I have found that with God's help and working with Dr. Swartwout, nothing is impossible,"
-Rick in Hawai'i.
If you are ready to start right now, apply for our coaching and consulting at TryUnity.net
"Thanks for all the time you have been there for me and most of all for saving my life."
And "You have done it again, thank you, you are the best."
-Maria in Athens, Greece, niece of the world's #1 classical homeopath, George Vithoulkas who treated her when she was younger.
-Susan Phillips
"That's the second time Dr. Swartwout saved my life."
- Kimberly in Hawaii....
"Thank you so much for all your tender loving care. I feel so much healthier and stronger than when I first met you some months ago. I really feel like I'm strong enough now for my African adventure. It's something I've wanted to do for 12 years. I lived in East Africa for a year then, and have wanted to go back but the timing was never right until now. I wish you everything wonderful.”
- Barbara in Montana
Homeopathic Veterinarian
“I have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Glen for over 20 years and benefiting from the health protocol which he derived specifically for my needs.
He is very intuitive and effective regarding his skill in the healing arts.
I have been associated with Holistic and complimentary medicine since 1991and have known a great many practitioners.
Dr. Glen is truly a visionary and ahead of his time when it comes to health and holistic healing, a true original.
I highly recommend his services if you are on the path to good health and wholeness.”
- Terry Messer Creator of Color Therapy Eyewear
“Whoever is guiding you supplementally is very, very skilled. I wouldn't change anything about what you are doing. You are so on track. You have really good guidance. Most people don't have anyone as good as this.”
- Medical Doctor to a remote client
“I wish I could take credit for how well you are doing.”
- Oncologist of a remote client who declined conventional treatments of prostate cancer.
“There is no more sign of mitral valve prolapse. If I hadn’t been the one who diagnosed you 30 years ago, I would have said unequivocally that you had been misdiagnosed.”
- Harvard trained Cardiologist reporting to an elderly client.
“There’s no sign of the tumor any more…”
- Oncologist at pre-surgical evaluation for a remote teenage client who had been scheduled to remove a brain tumor, after using one of our energetic formulas.
"At the exact time you were testing me, while I was waiting in the emergency room for my 4th surgery to unblock my recurrent intestinal obstruction, it cleared up before I got into surgery.”
- A remote client in New York
After first visit: "My whole body straighter."
Second visit: "My son and a friend both said I was looking better. Another friend said my complexion had improved. My ophthalmologist in Honolulu was jubilant. He told me my eyes looked great. I was not surprised because I could tell when I would read, that the yellow in my eyes was much diminished."
Third visit: "My hearing has improved some, my foot continues to get better, the yellow in my eyes seems almost gone, and my reading vision has improved.... My whole body seems to be responding..."
Then: "Now walking almost normally again."
And: "I no longer have the feeling of being handicapped. This means I have more zest for life. My husband has noticed I have more stamina."
Finally: "First dental appointment in years not requiring antibiotics due to report from Dr. Matsuura, heart specialist, that I no longer showed any signs of a prolapsed mitral valve. Credit was given - or at least explanation stated - that I was seeing a holistic doctor." Also, after a gauss meter confirmed an electromagnetic field where Joyce was sleeping, the source was moved and she reported: "Have been sleeping much more soundly since water pipes were rerouted... I am dreaming more, as Dr. Swartwout said I might."
- Joyce Suenobu, retired teacher, Pahala, Hawai'i.
“We can’t even see any sign that he was injured.”
- Radiologist looking at images of a client’s knee, after a severe trauma that was predicted to leave him crippled for life.
“I wish I could take credit for how well you are doing. Keep doing whatever it is your are doing.”
- Oncologist of a client who declined radiation and chemotherapy for metastatic uterine cancer.
(Now, more than a decade later, the hospital tells her she is the longest living survivor with her condition.)
"I noticed an increase in strength, especially in my bench press where I thought to have reached my 'non-gaining period' for over a year. My bench press went up 20 pounds more. Also, my squats (leg work out) increased greatly. It went from about 270 pounds to 335 pounds. I have tried supplements, but never before have I experienced physical gains like this and it all happened in a period of a month, which was when I was under treatment," Harry Takiue, Jr., University of Arizona.
"The exact day of my first session, the ringing in my ear stopped for the first time in years,” Sandra Hayner
"My first experience with Glen Swartwout goes back 15 years when he literally saved my life when conventional medicine couldn't help me, and not even know what I had. Glen said exactly what was going on and with his suggestion of remedies I was fine. My family and I still continue with Glen and we are thankful that he came into our lives. With his depth of knowledge and remarkable gifts he has created a system of his own for diagnosing and healing far beyond any test and "health practitioner." He is a humanitarian who cares for all existence and explains the wonders and similarities of the micro cosmos and macro cosmos. He is simple and humble with visionary deep knowledge and wisdom that surpass all worldly riches. His riches are found in nature and beyond. With his tremendous knowledge and insight Glen is pouring out his marvels and is now writing books. Give yourself a gift and read his books!!"
- Maria Ktena in Athens, Greece
“Connecting with Dr. Glen has a been a real joy on so many levels. On a clinical level, I have found his insights and intuition reflective of my own personal experiences and expressions of both disease and healing. In his biofield reports, I have found many congruencies without even mentioning them to him before he runs the reports, in addition to the things we did mention. Furthermore, after working with the remedies he has suggested, I have often noticed immediate shifts in my physical and / or conscious state. On a personal level, I have experienced him to be very open-minded, accepting, willing to listen and explain - to have a real relationship in our healing process. His feedback is thoughtful, consistent and timely. Not once I have ever felt put down or like I was the "student / patient" and he was the "teacher / doctor". Lastly, his generosity and desire to be helpful and of service is abundant, in all forms.”
- S.H. in New Jersey
“…As I was going through files that have long, long, needed to be purged, I found a copy of this exchange between us and thought ... oh my goodness, back in 2006 you "hit the nail on the head" and I didn't even realize at the time how on target you were ... but you were ... from the spleen to the nervous system, lymphatic system, adrenals, liver, and low energy ... I can't believe even as I read it now how amazingly on target you were at the time.”
- Dyan Giramondi 8/5/14
“Dr. Glen Swartwout has been extremely helpful in the treatment of a digestive disorder that had me so frustrated that I almost lost hope. I was getting some results with Chinese medicine but needed a little more help. I found only dead ends with mainstream medicine’s focus on simply trying to find a specific disease pattern. With his assistance I experienced a rapid increase in results. He has a highly tuned intuition and incredibly vast knowledge for what is needed in healing the body both physically and on multiple energetic levels. It is a pleasure, an education, and an inspiration to meet with him.”
- Jason Donaldson, Keaau, HI 4/9/14
“Very surprised and amazed with the healing here. Came in with a pretty strong head cold, which usually takes at least 3 weeks to go away for me. Glen worked me up to his machine and found some weaknesses and some medicine (NAC) to balance it (lymph system). I had been so miserable all day, but after taking this NAC, I woke up the next morning feeling almost completely better. Never gotten over a head cold so fast in my life. Saved my vacation. Mahalos, Glen! Not to mention that this is an awesome place to stay. The energy here is so mellow, warm, comfortable, and welcoming. Will recommend highly.” - Micah Pexa, Hilo, Hawai'i
“My name is Timothy "Oly" Kern. I grew up on Oahu and have lived on the Big Island for some 18 years. I am a unique individual with severe health challenges including allergies from childhood and a degenerative arthritic condition that developed in my late 20's. As a child I spent years taking allergy shots and heavy medications. At the time ( met Dr. Swartwout I was undergoing a relatively new form of treatment in standardized medicine called EPD. This process has given some complete relief of their allergies while many others are able to greatly reduce their use of allergy remedies. I underwent treatment on this program for over two years and although I did experience some improvement, the results weren't long lasting. The recommended length of time that one is to undergo this treatment is 2 years and so I began looking for other alternatives. I decided to give "Dr. Glen" a try. Through the non-invasive testing that Dr. Glen does, he is able to test the meridians of the body and locate blockages. He also tests the body's response to an extensive number of foods, vitamins, minerals and many other substances. Guided by your body's response he is able to let you know what things your body responds positive to and avoid those that are taxing the body. With the guidance I have received from Dr. Glen, my own effort and the unique quality products offered by Starfire International, the company he co-founded over 5 years ago, I am experiencing improved health and wellness. I am truly thankful for the thoughtful care that I see Dr. Glen give each of his patients. It should be noted that Dr. Glen is a licensed optometrist who has studied and used Biofield Analysis for many years. This approach is a type of muscle testing which is non-invasive and makes use of a biofield instrument from which he receives the body's response.”
- Timothy "Oly" Kern (submitted to "Unsung Heroes" special issue of Hawaii Tribune Herald newspaper)
“Thank you for recently diagnosing my primary stress source as being dental in origin and pinpointing the exact location of it.
Your diagnosis, you will be pleased to know, was accurate as verified by my dentist, Dr. David Doi.
Also, the remedy that you specifically recommended proved most effective in counteracting the problem.
What I refer to as your “wave of the future” diagnostic methods are both accurate and precise. They have, over the years, for both me and Josephine, been “on the mark” numerous times to help in our quest to achieve and maintain an optimal level of health.
We are thankful and appreciative.”
- Phil and Josephine in Hawaii
“True eloquence is that which holds us too mute for applause.” - Bulwer
The above quote was on the front of a recent thank you card. Inside was written “Thank you for your kindness, caring, patience and generosity, and your amazing support. You have played a significant role in my healing process. You - and the Starfire products - have saved my life and my energy so many times that I cannot count them! Recently my hemoglobin tested at 9.0 and my energy has improved dramatically. Thank you again for everything.”
- Sherry in Kansas
"I was fortunate enough to hear about Dr. G. Swartwout, whom I started to see. I was experiencing periods of physically decreased energy, frequent sinus attacks, and bouts with the flu three times that winter! Pain was increasing in both hand joints. A half dozen trips to my family physician relieved some physical symptoms, but the cause remained and continued to resurface in yet another symptom. Both knees and right leg pain continued to increase. After my first office visits with Dr. Swartwout I began to experience physical and emotional decrease in all these ailments. Now one year later, I can safely say that I am indeed being returned to physical and emotional health of which I am very grateful. Thank you again."
- Barbara, an R.N. and world-renowned therapist on Oahu
"I thank God every day for this program. Without it, I would still be dependent on insulin. . . and worrying about my high blood pressure, like so many of my friends."
- William in Hawai’i
"I am 88 years old and hope to continue with my good health. A case in point: For about six years I had been suffering with recurring bladder infections, which since moving to Hawaii were ocurring about every six months. Dr. Swartwout's herbs and vitamins brought this under control and I have had no more recurrence in well over a year. In fact, my whole body system is in good shape."
- Myra in Hawai’i.
Later, after just a few days of retracing symptoms similar to a kidney infection eight years prior, Myra regained 1 and 1/2 inches of height as her scoliosis decreased.
"Thank you for the tape (5 Phases of Health). The items/medications you gave me are improving things for me. I still do not know what type of a healer to call you, and would like a title sometime. I'm impressed, the regular doctors either do not know what's wrong, how to treat it, say it can't be treated, or give me medications that make me ill. I am getting rather disenchanted with them and can't decide what to do. I want to know more about what you do to understand this a bit more. I do want to see if you can continue to help me. I apologize for doubting you, but I have never heard of anything like you do. Again, thank you." and an update:
“I was going to phone you I was so excited, but each time I thought of it I began to cry. It's awesome!
For the 1st time in 4 years I went into PKP and stayed. It was my 1st movie in 4 years!!! While it wasn't the best movie, and I had & still do some reactions it's amazing how this is all working the last 2 months. Thank you sounds too lame but it's all I have. I'm starting to cry again. I've been in 3 restaurants and Block Buster with (for me) few to no problems. I even drove to Kailua/Kona this week. I'm far from normal, but I'm getting my life back! I don't know if we can hit normal but this is so much better than when we began.”
- Deb in Hawai'i
"The birch essence et al. is working nicely, I feel like I am in an equilibrium I did not experience before our session."
- Vitya, ORMUS researcher and film-maker after experiencing biofield balancing remedies for a few days, following 6 months of m-state mineral therapy. He also noted, when the birch gemmotherapy came up as a remedy, that he had felt a very special relationship with the birch trees as a child in Russia.
"I now have more energy. I sleep better at night. I used to have large cracks on my heels that would only get better if I surfed every day and put tons of cream on them. Now they have completely healed without any other help. Thank you."
- Susan O., on life-changes after two months of Accelerated Self Healing™.
"At this Thanksgiving season, I'd like to thank you for no headaches, sneezes and runny nose. I've not taken actifed or tylenol now for 5 months and my previous allergic symptoms are gone. How wonderful it is to be this way! Through that horrid, strict diet, I've learned to be careful with my intake of sugar, chocolate, yeast and caffeine. I'm amazed how food can affect your health. P.S. Those herbs helped me alot, too!"
- Gloria in Hawai'i
P.L. in Vermont, regarding 3 family members in the program, writes, “I see improvement here in many areas which is encouraging. Are you coming east this summer or shall we continue with hair samples?” Three months later, the same client writes: “I found my test results fascinating as usual and was most amazed to see the reference to my injured cervical vertebrae, which had been bothering me to extremes within the last couple of months! (for which discomfort I am off to a Shiatsu masseur) And my eyes periodically play tricks on me, neither of which symptom I mentioned. I am impressed. . . . It’s fascinating to be able to actually feel myself get in and out of whack!”
The last reference related to waiting longer than suggested between follow-ups, in order to stretch the budget to cover participation in LEAP [Life Energy Activation Program, now called Accelerated Self Healing™
using Biofield Analysis™] by all family members.
M.Z. in Washington State, in response to ‘blind’ testing of herbal samples she had sent along with her regular testing, writes: “The results on my test packets was really interesting. “A” was an herbal mix that is supposed to be for rebuilding of body systems. “B” was a blood cleaning formula and “C” is red raspberry leaf collected in the wild near our Idaho home. The really interesting aspect is that I wanted to start taking the teas again after I ran out of the vitamins so I used my gold ring as a pendulum to test them myself. I got the same results you did without the details. Gives me a bit more confidence in my own intuitive processes.”
“I must tell you that I am feeling the best so far in my search for answers to my thyroid challenge. I felt the soul of your work and look forward to continuing and refining the process... Blessings to you.”
- Daniel
"I have noticed a substantial increase of energy...less sleep required...sleeping much better & undisturbed...less low back pain...appetite seems to be more normal. No more severe hunger & empty feeling...scalp continues to improve...I feel a difference in how I'm dealing with stress. I'm able to laugh quicker.... I have lost 7 pounds and I didn't try. Thanks a million for everything. I'm looking forward to round 2."
- Katie Ring, Vision Therapist, Latham, New York
"Dear Dr. Glen,
Your comment about Adam travelling was right on. Adam has been visiting his grandparents in PA more the last few months. The last time was right before Thanksgiving. I'm curious about why you asked that question. Please let me know.
Thank you.
Peace, Rachel"
(in New York)
"He showed a type of geopathic stress on his remote test. This most often comes from the sleeping environment. Since it was a new pattern for him and these earth fields rarely change, I wondered if he had been sleeping in a different location. Blessings,
Dr. Glen"
"Dear Dr. Glen, It's amazing that the things that I have a gut feeling are out of balance in the kids diets show up as stresses in the testing. I make a mental list before I have you test, and then I wait and see....really amazing!" - Rachel Drexinger, New York
"My Stage 3 Pap Smear is now completely clear!"
- Susan in Hawai'i
"A praise report, I had a mamogram and blood test and it came back cancer clear.
Thanks for all of your help."
- June in California
"My cataracts have thinned since taking your Solution!"
- Betty Gowler, Carlsborg, Washington
“I purchased this book for my mother who has been suffering from glaucoma in her right eye for years. It was not until recently, when her optometrist failed to prescribe eye drops that would control her pain and fluid in her eye that she saw another optometrist, who told her the eye drops that she had been taking for a year was full of steroids and antibiotics that actually contributed to more eye damage. Not wanting her to use any more damaging eye drops, I searched for books that could help. I am very pleased that I came across this one, it not only tells you what you should take for glaucoma, but why and specifically what part of the eye it help heals. I was shocked to discover that steroids deplete the body of vitamin C, this made a lot of sense since my mother has had improvements with her pain by only taking vitamin C. This book not only proved to be useful for my mother but myself as well with the book's information on the many vitamins, minerals, and herbs that help heal the body. I highly recommend this book.”
- Kate
“Today, when I got home, she bounded and bounded and was happy, happy, happy! We've been going for daily walks, she eats well, and the cough (congestive heart failure is what they said it was due to) has almost subsided. Praise God!!! Tomorrow, 9/4, is Bebe's 14th birthday. I'm so grateful that she is showing signs of wellness, and that she is happy.
For me, I think I have more energy, a sense of a steadier energy. Not so up and down, like at the end of the day I want to drop. For two days now, I've noticed that my energy is more even-keeled in the afternoon.”
- Donna Banks, teacher, and her dog Bebe. 9/3/14 (see before and after photos of Bebe)
"Aloha and good morning, Dr. Glen and Rae,
On Tuesday afternoon I got the call from my doctor on Oahu, he reported the biopsy results were classified as "borderline". This means you can't say the spots are cancer and you can't say it's not cancer. I know the Lord draws this line. He is so good. Chemotherapy is the recommendation... I asked Dr. Terada if CA125 blood tests would still be used to check the success rate of the chemo treatment, and he said yes. So I brought the dropping CA125 number to his attention and told him I believe the homeopathy remedies I am taking is what's allowing the number to reverse and drop in the right direction. Especially since the changes started since I began treatment. I asked the doctor if I could continue blood tests every month to monitor my progress, a CAT scan after 2 months and a PET scan after 3 months. I think the doctor will work with me to get these things done, thinking I want my insurance to take care of all these confirmational blood tests and scans.
I've told the information above to so many people who've also been wanting to know and praying for me, still have more to inform. I spent a major part of last night praising the Lord in worship last night at church.
Beebs seems to be doing well. She's slowing, but mind is crystal clear and food, hugs and kisses are still a definite priority for her.
I took 1 micro chitosan yesterday as my eyes returned to normal. I'll take 2 today :-). Next blood draw will be on the 23rd of Jan., then I will see you again. Thank you for ALL your prayers and love sent my way, and the time, care, and core principals of what you both provide. I know I'm really blessed to be surrounded by people sent by God. Remind me to share my Liver Cloud Story with you next time!
Love in Him,
Donna" (1/8/15)
“All are worthy to be healed. Be open minded to his abilities to help others. Be blessed by his knowledge.”
- Susan Phillips
“Hi Glen, thanks for sending the remedies.
Yesterday was my first day on them. Here is what happened: Physically: I did not get the usual "bile" aggravation. The typical right quadrant pain was absent yesterday, yeah!! :)
Do have a low level nausea happening around 3 am to about 6 am. I'm ok with it - can ride it out.
Urination frequency up a little (4x last nite, normal is 1-3x) but nice change of a steady large volume of urine. I think my kidneys were smiling.
But something else happened. They seem to have blasted me into outer space of psychic impressions. Maybe its the LM value???
All day long, no matter with whom I spoke with, shook hands with, etc. I got crystal clear impressions of them, their lives, relationships, past lives, conversations they had just had prior to, etc.
Interesting, I was able to dispense remedies "easier" yesterday.
Also, I got the past life of being a homeopath realllllly strong. I always get that but it was different yesterday. I did triads yesterday that I have never of thought before. At one point I was liquifying Aconite 50M and all the sudden a doctor in a white coat was right next to me on the left. I knew he was a homeopath but he said he couldn't tell anyone. He then instructed me to go to 20M value. I tested it and sure enough it was right.
Colors are a little brighter.
I'm not sure if the Mother ship will land soon or not????? :) But for the first time in a long time - I feel one with myself and the planet I'm on. It just doesnt matter. I feel home.
Any thoughts?
Thank you for the thought, love and care you put into the remedies”
- ‘Ann’ 9/20/14
“I think all the remedies sound awesome! I am astounded that some things came up that I did not even think to mention. The problem w/ calcium absorption especially. I have had about 10 kidney stones. (at least) some were so small I just passed them, 4 or 5 needing med/surgical intervention. Beginning @ age 26, which is unusual.”
- M.D. 10/26/14
“You have provided the most accurate nutritional support at the most crucial times to help our family recover from ciguatera poisoning. Also to guide Clifford in successfully removing high levels of mercury from his system.
We called on your expertise again for our friend, Jamey, who had chronic issues with constipation and needed help recovering from multiple injuries resulting from a 30 foot fall. His recovery was miraculous and you both were a part of that miracle of healing. Most recently when Clifford was diagnosed with a large meningioma brain tumor you both provided invaluable guidance to prepare him pre-op and recover post-op very successfully. We are so comforted and blessed knowing you are always there in our times of need and the divine guidance you receive and pass on is invaluable! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” Aloha,
The Chows
Maui, 11/9/14
“Thank you so much for such a loving healing session and an open heart with a welcoming spirit. Thank you for your time, for your kind attentiveness and all the expertise and knowledge you've shared with us.
Both you and Rae are such an encouragement and an inspiration our family really needed. Thank you for being who you are, it's such a gift :)
We are already seeing slight improvements in Maya's [crossed] eyes which is very exciting.
We are all detoxing and rebalancing, taking the meds, improving our focus and our communication. Making a lot of big decisions too.
It's been great and it's also been very stressful this week. But we're getting clarity through it all and that's what we've been seeking and asking for.”
“I came across your videos on YouTube and enrolled in your Peripheral Vision course on Udemy. By God's grace, I have experienced a dramatic increase in clarity. I now have long periods of relaxed, effortless clarity and am typically able to test between 20/40 and 20/25 binocular vision on the Snellen chart…
Your course on Peripheral Vision is excellent, as you, unlike many natural vision teachers, are able to link the different aspects of vision improvement (physical, psychological, and spiritual) together to form a useable system.”
- Ian
“My oncologist says he has never seen anyone do as well as me. Praise God!” 2/6/17
- Neroli Duffy
"While I was waiting to receive the Liver Support to complete this series of sacraments, I could actually feel my body really, trying hard to improve - or at least keep status quo - in my eyes -- mostly Right. I felt it trying, but it wasn't quite able to keep it together as I did experience some vision distortions and a feeling of system unbalance. I was just taking my own mix of supplements for that time slot. After 3 days with the new series, I felt the sacraments energy "lifting me" over that rough spell and felt the assist to my own body's attempt to continue healing -- get back on track. Though the lapse time between the series supplements was longer than I'd care to wait again, during this initial healing year, it did make me aware of my own body's inner healing energy in a very strong way. So I'm glad to know that part of me is alive and doing it's thing -- always trying toward the good and whole."
- a private client in the Monterey Bay area, California
Clover the Cow belongs to our client Donna Banks, who is told she is the longest survivor of her medical condition, so when Clover developed a tumor on his eye, she asked for our support for healing. It took a year, but Clover was able to fully heal with only natural remedies, as you can see in the photographs we show in the videos here.
- Dr. Jeffrey Anshel
President of the Ocular Nutrition Society
Author of Smart Medicine for Your Eyes
“In his referenced “Cataract Solutions” Dr Swartwout paints a broad canvas concerning natural molecules that can be used to slow down the development of age related cataract. He draws open his vast knowledge of botanicals and homeopathics to construct a map of the medicine of the future. The discerning reader will likely be both fascinated and overwhelmed by this compendium of information.”
- Dr. Jeffrey Anshel
“There are no Thank you words big enough to encompass the immense gift you have given me.
I went from feeling horrid, doing every good protocol that came my way, spending money on things that worked and didn't work, going to many doctors who tried their best to help, and losing faith in my body while being re-infected again and again, to beginning in one months time to recover my strength, health, faith, fortitude & my confidence in my & my body's ability to heal.
You not only gave me fish, you taught me how to fish and how to think about this.
Maybe you know what a very rare gift that really is.
I would have never imagined my positive self in that kind of position and I was in authentic and deep need of genuine healing.
You are the resource that I prayed for.
You are also my friend and I am so grateful for that too.
You have given me more time and energy than I can even fathom.
I am so grateful.
I know I'm not done yet, but I know I will recover and go on to heartily finish my life mission.
I feel compassion for people who are told there is no cure, no hope, no answer yet.
Thank you with the whole infinite Multi-Universe in the Thank You.
And thank you to Rae and all your helpers on both sides of the veil.
May you be 10 million x blessed.”
"I am so well.
I have had a true miracle.
I can't thank you enough for your help and prayers.
It took a very long time and then it happened so suddenly.
By the time I was out of the dental chair.
It is so wierd to go to sleep at 48 and wake up and find out I am 50!"
“It is odd to feel that I sort of "lost" two years.
There is this conscious/unconscious awareness that my soul was on retreat.
I don't know where I was.
I do know my soul was on retreat.
I do know that I have come back very refreshed and alert and ready for what is next.
I know that I am in deep alignment with the will of God.
I know that the deep inner work that was done is one of the biggest gifts of a lifetime and that my wisdom has deepened.
I know that my clarity since the dental work is much enhanced.
It is much easier to manage my thoughts and emotions.
I am so so so so grateful to feel "normal" again and that I pulled those teeth."
“Your light is very strong as is your skill set.
You have a very unique ability to whisper the body that goes deeper than most light workers out here can do.
That combined with your fine brain power, and herbal and nutrition knowledge is beyond amazing.
And then there is your understanding of the Universe.
As you translate that for humanity, the infinite arrives.”
"I just can't thank you enough for saving me (again).
It's truly a miracle that I found you or that God delivered me to your door.
To have my health returning is priceless.
I have purpose helping people again.
I am so grateful to you and to God and to life.
To go from feeling rotten desperate and purging to better everyday is a huge improvement.
Your clarity is so bright."
“I have joined Dr. Glen's University. It's on the middle of my path to do so.
I can honestly say that Dr. Glen and his team have helped pull me out of two health crises in the last 15 years.
In my humble opinion, he is one of two people I know who really get how the body works and how to help it naturally.
Brilliant and humble…
Love you guys and thanks a million bazillion for all the love and support you have given me and others.”
“I hunt for this stuff and I can seldom find it.
This knowledge you have is alchemical gold in the pile of gold.
It's way more than the average understanding and knowledge and you coming back to life to share it, is crucial to us and the planet.
It's so needed right now.”
Learn more about Dr. Harry Wachs and many of my other Mentors at Mentorship University.
From a Mentor:
"His presence, intellect and positive, yet open manner was always exemplary...
It is my pleasure to recommend Glen Swartwout without reservation,"
-Dr. Harry Wachs, author of Thinking Goes to School.
"I have worked with Dr. Swartwout for over 20 years in various aspects of the health and nutrition field, mainly as a patient...
I consider him an outstanding resource for healing...a true wizard who helps people heal when most doctors have nothing to offer that works.
He is exceptionally kind, giving, and understanding--always responsive in the most positive light.
-Jana Bogs, Ph.D.
Author of the new #1 best selling book: Beyond Organic... Growing for Maximum Nutrition.
"Dr. Swartwout's thoroughness as a researcher is unquestionable."
- Dr. Jacob Liberman, author of Light: Medicine of the Future.
“You really helped me when I had the supposedly incurable Sjogren’s Syndrome.”
- Joy Gardner
Author of Healing Yourself and Vibrational Healing through the Chakras
About the book Healing Glaucoma:
“This book is a great contribution to the emerging paradigm of 21st century vision care. It provides a thorough review of many healing modalities in order to help a person’s eye, body and soul heal the condition of glaucoma… A must for any patient or professional working with this condition. Dr. Swartwout is a pioneer in helping to regenerate our precious gift of sight.”
- Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac.,
co-author of Greater Vision and co-author of Natural Eye Care with Dr. Glen Swartwout